


Each and every house needs Stairs to reach the top floors they are very essential in today’s life, of-course lifts are there but still stairs are essential, and they play a key role in vasthu sicences.

  1. For North & South facing house North-Vaayavyem is the proper place to construct stairs. This stairs should be constructed atleast 2 two feet away from the Northern compound wall without using the Northern compound wall.
  2. In an East & West facing house East-Aagneyem is the proper place to construct stairs. This stairs shouldbe constructed atleast 2 two feet away from the Eastern compound wall without using the Eastern compound wall.

I have seen few people constructing stairs in North-Vaayavyem putting some kind of plastic sheet in-between the Northern compound wall and stairs, because fundamental principle of vasthu science says stairs in North-Vaayavyem should not touch the Northern compound wall, look how it is interpreted and made they lives miserable.

Similarly they construct stairs in East-Aagneyem putting a kind of plastic sheet in-between the Eastern compound wall and the stairs. How foolish it is.

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