
VVS for Factories & Industries

VVS for Factories & Industries

In today’s very challenging competitive scenario nothing is stable or has a monopoly, one should keep updated and be innovative, reachable, safety of the staff, quality & affordable price of the product, customer satisfaction is the utmost important aspect of today’s survival. Implementing VVS increases Proper vasthu power of the place factory or an Industry & helps in achieving all the targets laid by the think tanks of the orgnisation without any accidents, legal issues and labour disputes till the generations to come.

Just implementing all the principles of VVS in the begning and establilshing an Industry is not sufficient, it needs maintenance of the priniciples, why I’m telling this is because many Industrialists implement VVS and establish an Industry with much vasthu concious spending money and time, they start getting good expected results, but slowly things start going out of hand giving rise to many labour, legal, production, problems, I’ve practically seen people suffering with this sort of bad devolopements, you know why it happened like this, reason for this kind of bad experiences is improper maintenance of the premises within the Plant and outside within the premises.

Everything as mentioned under VVS for Shops / Commercial Places / Business places applies even for the Factories / Industries & Implementing all the fundamental priniciples properly as per VVS not only ensures safety and welfare of each and everyone in the Industry, but also ensures a smooth sail till the generations to come.

  • Land:Vibrations of the land should be good supportive to the Industry meant, Plot should be either a Rectangular or a square one with a total of 360 degrees is the fundamental principle. Place selected for the purpose of a factory should be done studying both the vibrations and also the compass of that place, because yielding good results purely depends first on both the vibrations & compass then on the design of the structure. Shape of the land, & ground levels of the place can be corrected as per vasthu, but only when the vibrations of the place are good, otherwise there’s no fun in spending lots of money on the corrections and repenting later on for not geting the expected good results.
    So studying the vibrations of the land is very essential before deciding a plot, even the natural surroundings or the Tophography of the place also should be considered. Extension of Eeshaanyem or extension of either East-Eeshaanyem or North-Eeshaanyem both to the entire plot and also to the plant with more open places (open to sky) in the North and East than in the South and West ensures good goodwill, profits, product quality, proper relationships within the management and also within the staff and all workforce.

  • Open places:Open places of an Industry plays a very vital role in yielding all the good results which not only helps in successfully running an Industry but also helps in expanding the volume of business. More open places (Open to Sky) in the East and North than in the West and South is the fundamental principle of VVS.

  • Gates:Entry and exit gates and doors of the factory should be in Auspicious places. Walking through the Gate and doors in auspicious places not only ensures good results but fortunately proves very successful in running an Industry.

  • Sumps:In VVS there is a specific place for the Wells, Bores, and Sumps. Wells, bores, and sumps in proper places as per VVS ensures very good results, any deviations in digging them in other than the specified places makes the inmates suffer with too many severe problems.

  • Toilets / Septic tank:Toilets for the labour is an essential eminity, many factories are facing lot of problems because of this toilets location. In my 39 yrs of practical consultancy I found these toilets either in the North-west corner or in the South-east corner of the entire factory premises, with a septic tank under or adjacent to these toilets, which is against the fundamental principle of VVS as a result many factories are facing severe either labour disputes, financial crisis or quality problems. Some factories have this toilets in the South-west of the entire factory premises with a septic tank either under it or adjacent to them, which proves even fatal to the safety as well as to the labour and factory itself .

  • Underground Oil tanks:Location of some underground tanks meant to store oil or some liquid meant as raw material, like for a solvent plant, which if located in an improper location proves very fatal at times.

  • ETP plants:As per the pollution control norms ETP’s are must for certain industries. But Improper location of ETP in an Industry creates many unceratianities. I’ve suggested change of location of these ETP’s for many sick Industries, which are doing well after the changes.

  • Transformer:Transformer are the important equipment for any Industry to run all the machines, without power any Industry is dumb. Certain specific rules and regulations are laid down by the Govt. department in installing and maintaining Transfomers. Many Industries are suffering with lot of problems just because of improper vasthu of the Transformers.

  • Factory shed:Usually the roof height of Industrial sheds are very high, because of certain operations they require to carry out works with cranes. Slope of the roop either RCC or of Ac sheets or any other material should be either towards East or North or towards both the sides.

  • Generator room:Due to power shortage or due to power failures, any Industry needs a standby facility to continue the production un-interrupted, for this a Generator is essential, installing the generator at a proper location proves worth.

  • Weigh bridge:Weighbridge is a very essential equipment of an Industry, usually weighbirdges are ilnstalled at the entry points to weigh any consignment entering into the factory, modern technology has made it convenient to make a note of the weight at the admin office which is away from the gate instead of at the gate which was previously followed.

  • Boiler:Usually Boiler’s in any Industry are placed in Aagneyem of the entire premises, which is the fundamental principle of VVS. but still few Industries are facing many problems because of the placement of these boilers though they are located properly, why ? Because of improper vasthu of this boiler shed.

  • Store for Raw material:How much quantity of Raw material needs to be stored depends upon the production capacity of the plant and strategy of the management and also according to the market fluctuations. Location of the storage place to store the raw material plays a very vital role in successfully running the factory. Any improper location of the storing place affects the functioning of the factory a lot.

  • Xylos:Xylos are the latest facility to store the raw materials, which is not only a space saver but also saves the wastage of raw material while loading and feeding. Proer Location of the xylos not only proves worth in costing but also proves worth in automising the production process.

  • Mazanines:Mazanines are the mid roofs laid either an RCC one or a fabricated one. Usually mazanines are used either to store some material or even to install some machinery. Mazanines in the South-west upto West or upto South are good. .Mazanines in the East or in the North are very bad.

  • Machinery:Few heavy machines need good foundations, few can be installed on the ground. Installation / positioning of any machine depends upon the process, but always care should be taken to install it in such a way that the operator of the machine always faces either East or North.
    Heavy, huge machines should be installed either in the West Starting from South-west or in the South from South-west. Any experienced vasthu consultant with industrial knowledge will first study, understand the complete process of the production and then accordingly suggest the installation of all the machines as per VVS

  • Cutting points:Cutting points are nothing but unloading points and at the same time feeding points of raw material into the xylos through the conveyors. Should be careful with the depth of a pit which is required for feeding the Xylos, because it should not become a low level in Nairuth, West, or in the South of the plant or the shed.

  • Loading / Unloading:Facilitating Loading / Unloading points in any industry is an issue, in the rainy season it becomes really a matter of concern for loading and unloading materials. Improper covering of only these points to the sky may become a defect to give rise to few technical and labour disputes.

  • Vasthu for stability, productivity & quality:Proper shape and Open places, floor levels, entry and exit gates, doors, location of water bodies, placement of machinery, store, and proper sitting positions of the Director and the staff and the location of the weighbridge and security cabin of an Industry plays as per VVS plays a very vital role in yielding all the good results which not only helps in successfully running an Industry but also helps in expanding the volume of business maintaining the quality of the product.
    More open places (Open to Sky) in the East and North than in the West and South, with an extension of Eeshaanyem or East-Eeshaanyem or North-Eeshaanyem is the fundamental principle of VVS, to obtain all the good results.

  • Finished product:After the place for storing raw material comes the place to keep the finished goods for transporting them to the dealers or to the consumers. Proper place for the finished goods makes intime delivery from the factory to the dealers, customers or consumers, without any logistic hurdles.

  • Lab and R&D:Lab plays a very vital role in testing the quality of the finished product from time to time to maintain the necessary quality of the product. R & D department is the backbone of any Industry to keep itself updated with the emerging new trends, and to be more innovative in improving the production capacity with the latest automisation technology maintaining the quality.

  • Admin office:The Admin office is the place where the Director, Manager, Accounts, Sales Team, and all the other non technical staff who look after the Administration of the Industry sit in their proper places as per VVS and do their respective jobs properly.
    Location and proper vasthu of this place and all the people belonging to different departments including the Director sitting in proper places as per VVS lets to have good command and capabilities to run an Industry successfully with good profits and good goodwill.

  • Sales office for improving orders:The Admin office is the place where the Director, Manager, Accounts, Sales Team, and all the other non technical staff who look after the Administration of the Industry sit in their proper places as per VVS and do their respective jobs properly.
    Location and proper vasthu of this place and all the people belonging to different departments including the Director sitting in proper places as per VVS lets to have good command and capabilities to run an Industry successfully with good profits and good goodwill.

  • Vasthu for Accounts department:Accounts department is the backbone of any Industry. South or the West is the best suitable place for the accounts personnel as they are the team which involves in the day-to-day recording, analysis and interpretation of a company’s financial transactions, payment of taxes in time, including tracking of all expenses (purchases, payments etc.) and sales of finished products, and also in providing financial support to the organization it belongs to.

  • Labour Qrts:Labour , skilled and semi skilled workforce is very essential to succesfully run any industry. Providing accommodation to them also is very essential, for some within the premises and for few elsewhere. Providing residential quarters within the premises will be really a challenging task, considering all the safety and security options. It would be the best option to make the Industry premises into two entities, separating wilth a compound wall and a gate either on the Western or the Southern side. This kind of providing accommodation proves worth considering VVS and also the safety and security options.

  • Security room / cabin:Role of Security staff is Securing premises and personnel by patrolling property; monitoring surveillance equipment; inspecting buildings, equipment, and access points; permitting entry. Obtains help by sounding alarms. Prevents losses and damage by reporting irregularities; informing violators of policy and procedures; restraining trespassers.
    Taking care in providing either a cabin or a room for the security personnel at the entry and exit points following VVS not only helps the organisation curb all sorts of violations by the staff and also by the people permitted to come into the Industry. In my 39 yrs of practical studies saw many Industries failing to prosper just because of improper placement of security cabins or rooms.

  • Parking place:Parking is the utmost requirement to be provided for the staff and the visitors. Covered parking is really a challenging issue in an Industry, Providing covered parking either in the North or in the South not only hampers development of an Industry, but gives rise to too many financial problems.

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