
VVS for Holmes

VVS for Holmes

House/ Home is the place from were we start our first move Winning the battle at home wins many victories isn’t it so the home has to not only be a home but a sweet home.Good or bad starts from the home if your home is as per VVS then everything will be a sweet cake walk. This you can see for your selves.Plot/ Place should be either a square one or a rectangular one with proper Eeshaanyem. Should have good more open places in the North and East than in the South and West, with all the slope of the floor towards East or North with all the doors and gates in proper auspicious places. Living in this kind of houses really proves worth making a home a sweet home.

Vasthu Tips in arranging household articles

In Sanskrit Ashta means 8″, Disha means “Direction”. What is the relation in-between these 8 Ashta Dishas, and how are they contributing for the welfare of the living kind, and they effects on us? Answering all these questions is not that easy, one-thing is sure nothing rules anything in this nature everything is fair here like, “Give and take”. Everything in Nature depends on one another.


I’ll try to put it in this way, like monkeys, or say like human beings, monkeys also have head, eyes, ears, nose two legs and hands and it also has a tail extra, of-course we don’t have it, in-spite of having a tail extra, it is not greater than human beings.


As how size shape and arrangement of the body parts have changed the features, similarly size, shape and condition of the 8 Ashta dishas changes the atmosphere in the house.


If they are in proper size, shape and condition, proportionately, a cheerful atmosphere prevails in the house, if they are not in a proportionate manner then the atmosphere in the house becomes worst, stinky, rotten and very prickly also.This shows things change according to the size, shape and condition of the Ashta dishas.


The house we live in may be rented or an own house acquired either through legacy or a newly purchased one, which is not as per “VVS” or we may not financially be able to alter the house, in such a critical situation, our first duty is, at-least to arrange all the household articles in the house properly in a proper manner.


If we do our duty, the house (Ashta dishas in the house) will do their duty.


Leaving the place “Aagneyam” and Vaayavyem, all the huge and heavy materials in the house must be kept to both the Southern and Western walls of the room.


Keeping more huge and heavy materials in Nairuthi than the materials kept in the Southern and Western sides gives more good results.


It’s better not to keep anything in Aagneyem and Vaayavyem, but if it becomes necessary to keep them also in Aagneyam, then leaving at-least few inches from the Eastern wall, they can be kept here in Aagneyam to the Southern wall, similarly leaving few inches from the Northern wall they can be kept in Vaayavyem to the Western wall.


Actually it’s not advisable to keep anything in the Northern and Eastern sides, but when there is no other option left than keeping them, also in the Northern and Eastern sides, then in such a case lighter and smaller materials than materials kept in the Southern and Western sides must be kept here in the Northern and Eastern sides, in such a way that there is at-least few inches gap in-between those materials and these walls, if you ask can we keep anything in Eeshaanyem means, answer is bluntly no.


Eesanyam is so auspicious and delicate place, even if a piece of cotton is put in this place, it gets irritated and starts giving rise to many unnecessary headaches.


This place Eeshaanyem must always be kept free neat and clean, imagine what would happen if we put heavy weights and rubbish in such a delicate and auspicious place, putting anything here is nothing but it’s deliberately inviting all sorts of headaches.

Sun rises in the East and sets in the West, of-course every-one knows this, we also know that Sun rays are very useful for the survival of the living kind, any amount of discussion on Sun and the power of its rays on the entire living kind would still be less.There is no need to tell what happens to a plant , if it never get proper Sun-light.


Though the Sun rises in the East “Eesanyam” is the first place to receive the first Sun rays.


These first Sun rays are the most powerful and very useful helpful, rays for the entire living kind, Eeshaanyem is the first place which receives the first Sun rays, perhaps that’s the reason why the inventors of this Divine Vishwakarma Vasthu Sciences “VVS” has given that importance to Eeshaanyem and said, it’s the place of “Almighty God” and asked the human kind to offer they first prayer of the day in Eeshaanyem facing East, which enables the human kind to receive those first auspicious Sun rays to the full extent, but may be due to not being able to understand the actual fact or may be due to lack of proper knowledge of the subject few people have made it a sentiment and started advising people to construct their pooja rooms in Eesanyam of the entire house and pray to God, when (Eesanyam should be kept open with a door is the fundamental principle of vastu science),

then the immediate question would arise, why the so called intellectuals, inventors of this sciences asked them to worship Almighty God in Eesanyam when that is not the proper way, yes of-course that’s a genuine question, may be in those days, lots of illiteracy was there, for reasons people were not educated only a certain section of people were educated, so instead of telling them vividly why and how, they said simply to worship God there, if u say worship God there u can understand now how neat and tidy it’s maintained.

That’s the reason for decades this valuable sciences never saw the light, but fortunately now since say 40 years, with the Yeoman services of few vasthu consultants it’s started seeing light, and reached the masses irrespective of caste, creed, status and countries.


Idea behind to worship God here is because in the name of God, having a door here and doing sun salutations they start receiving lots of sun rays which is very essential for the entire living kind.


Unlike Eeshaanyem Nairuthi is the place to bear any amount of waste, heavy materials, if this place is kept free without any materials it gets irritated and starts showing very bad effects.


A good and proper balance in the Ashta dishas assures well balanced life is a True Truth.


Fire should be cooked in Aagneyem facing East and it is al- ways better to put the cot close or quite adjacent to both the Southern and Western walls of the room and sleep on this cot, keeping head towards South, putting the cot like this in Nairuthi room of the entire house and head of the family sleeping on this cot not only gets good sound sleep, but also assures good control and command over the family and enables to make them march towards a healthy prosperity.


Sleeping in Aagneyam room of the house slowly spoils health.


Under any circumstances it is not advisable to sleep in the Eesanyam room, though putting the cot, adjacent to both the Southern and Western walls of this room with head towards South.


I’m not advocating a bag full of tricks I’m just talking of again living a happy life. Respecting science should be our culture for science has no casted, creed, country, or status its for one and all.
1.Vibrations of the place:Each and every place has it’s own inherited vibrations of it, lik say chemical properties of that place, for example Silver is silver and Gold is gold, chemical properties of both differ is’nt it, similarly the power of the place differs that’s the vibrations. To yield good results selection of the plot should be done accordingly studying the Vibrations. Getting vibrations of a place is an ancient science which needs practice as per the ancient scriptures laid down.
2.Selection of a good plot:For either Residences factories, industries, malls, hospitals, schools, shops, Hotels, Restaurants, Offices, Temples, Resorts, farm lands, and all other commercial activities should be done studying both the vibrations and also the compass of that place, because yielding good results purely depends first on both the vibrations & compass then on the design of the structure.
Shape, ground levels of the place can be redone as per vasthu only when the vibrations are good, otherwise there’s no fun in spending lots of money and repenting later on for not geting the good results.
3.Names of plots/places:

  • Plots/places having a road in the North are called North facing plots/places.
  • Plots/places having a road in the East are called East facing plots/places.
  • Plots/places having a road in the West are called West facing plots/places.
  • Plots/places having a road in the South are called South facing plots/places.
  • Plots/places having roads in the East & North are called Eeshaanyem plots/places.
  • Plots/places having roads in the East & South are called Aagneyem plots/places.
  • Plots/places having roads in the North & West are called Vaayavyem plots/places.
  • Plots/places having roads in the West & South are called Nairuthi plots/places.

4.Compass:Standing facing the Sun, on the right hand side is South, to the left is North, in the back is West and in the front is East. Compass is a small device to find out the exact directions of any given place. Needle of the compass always points towards the North marked on it.

Needle pointing towards North-west or towards North-east upto 15 degrees are tolerable, variation of more than 15 degrees is not good.
5.Vasthu of floor levels:Places with huge low levels or rivers on the Southern & Western sides and with huge mountains or elevated ground levels both in the Eastern & Northern sides of the place must be ignored. Even places with inauspicious Street Pushes must be ignored.
6.Vasthu of Open Places:There should be more open places in the Northern and Eastern sides than in the Western and Southern sides is the very fundamental priniciple of VVS. places constructed good more open places iln the Eastern and Northern sides than iln the Southern and Western sides ensures good prosperity is a living truth.
7.Vasthu for Gates, Doors, Windows:Vasthu of the Gates, Main door and also the internal doors & Windows play a very very vital role in ensuring prosperity. In VVS certain principles are laid down where the main door and also the internal doors have to be fixed, which enables a march towards good prosperity to live a healthy wealthy happy cheerful life. Number of doors does’nt have anything to do with ensuring good results.
8.Vasthu for Wells, Bores & Sumps, & Septic Tanks:In VVS there is a specific place for the Wells, Bores, and Sumps. Wells, bores, and sumps in proper places as per VVS ensures very good results, any deviations in digging them in other than the specified places makes the inmates suffer with too many severe problems.
9.Vasthu for Drawing Room:Drawing room is the first room of the house, which speaks volumes of the inmates status and everything, where all the guests are first made to sit, chairs and sofas in this room must be put to the Southern and Western walls.
10.Vasthu for Living Room:LIving room is the place where all the inmates and close relatives sit together to spend time with the family. Sofas, Deewans and chairs must be put to the Western and Southern walls of this room.
11.Vasthu for Living Room:LIving room is the place where all the inmates and close relatives sit together to spend time with the family. Sofas, Deewans and chairs must be put to the Western and Southern walls of this room.
12.Vasthu for Kitchen:Aagneyem room of the entire house is meant for cooking fire to prepare food for the entire family so that they are all healthy enough with good digestion. Cooking fire in Aagneyem room of the entire house also ensures good chemistry between the family members.
13.Vasthu for Master Bedroom: Cannot imagine a life without proper sleep, proper sleep recharges the body to be healthy. Nairuthi, Southern, & Western rooms of the house are the places to have the master bedroom. Sleeping with head towards South putting the cot nearer to the Southern and Western walls of the Nairuthi, Southern, Western rooms of the house ensures good sound sleep and recharges the body to be healthy.
14.Vasthu for Dining:After cooking food in Aagneyem now it’s the proer place to eat the food cooked. Place on the Western side adjacent to the kitchen in Aagneyem is the convenient place to dine on a dining table either facing North or East. Eating food sitting on the floor on a wooden palki with the plate also on a wooden palki facing either east or north is the correct form of eating food.
15.Vasthu for Children Bedroom:Western and Southerm bedrooms are the good suitable places for children’s bedrooms. Under any circumstances Eeshaanyem & Aagneyem rooms are not meant for even as childrens bedroom.
16.Vasthu for Guest Bedroom:North-west bedrooms are the good suitable places for Guest bedrooms.
17.Vasthu for Study Room:West or West-north-west in the West facing East and in the South or South-south-east facing North is the proper place to put a study table to study. At any cost it is not good to put a study table in the Eeshaanyem of any room.
18.Vasthu for hanging Photos:Keeping ancestors happy is the least duty of any person, irrespective of caste, & creed. Because of them we are here today. River Ganges from the heavens was brought down onto the earth by legendary Ikshvaku king Bagiratha one of the ancestors of Rama and personified as the river Goddess Ganga to please his ancestors. Photos of ancestors can be hanged where ever it’s convenient to place them with due respect.
19.Vaasthu for Balconies / Sitouts:Sitout is a place to sit and relax enjoying the beauty of nature. It is good to have balconies/sitouts in the East and North. It is not good to have balconies in the Nairuthi or West or in the South of any room/rooms. Balconies in the West or South of any room may prove dissasterous too. Kitchen room in Aagneyem will have a balcony which is used as a (wash areas) will not prove harmful.
20.Vaasthu for Toilets:Because of the technology and hygiene conditions Toilets can be within the house and also as attached toilets to the bedrooms. Attached toilets should be constructed in the Aagneyem or in the Vaayavyem of the bedrooms except for the North-west bedrooms. In VVS North-west bedrooms will be without attached toilets. Toilets in the Eeshaanyem of the room creates many problems to the people using these bedrooms. Common toilets can be constructed on the Western or Southern sides within the house.
21.Vaasthu for Dressing Room:Dressing room is an important room in any house, as it serves to change dress after having bath and also to dressup for the day with formal or casual, and for the ladies to dressup for any event also, but where to have this dressing room in any bedroom is an issue, because many would prefer dressing room attached to the bedroom bath/washroom, which is either in the Aagneyem or in the Vaayavyem of the bedrooms except the North-west bedrooms.
11.Vaasthu for Wardrobes/Almirahs:Wardrobes / Almirahs are also very important to store all the clothes and valuables and ofcourse money also in them.
22.Vaasthu for entertainment Tv room:TV unit can be placed either to the Northern or Eastern wall of the Living room so that it enables to view it either facing North or East. Better not to have huge wooden cabinets under the TV units placed in the North or in the East.
23.Vasthu for Kitchen Store:Kitchen Store should be on the Southern side of the entire house, quite adjacent to the Kitchen in Aagneyem with an access into the store to store all the groceries required.
24.Vasthu for Puja Room:God is omnipresent, God is everywhere in each and every living and non living things. West-northwest is the best place to have a puja room to sit and meditate on God, or can have a puja room in the East of the entire house, adjacent to the Northern wall of the kitchen in Aagneyem, performing daily prayers here facing East gives good results. Great care should be taken to see that Northern wall of this puja room should not touch the ceiling, it should be atleast 0.12” below the ceiling.
25.Vasthu for Tulsi Plant :Ocimum Tenuiflorum or commonly known as holy Tulsi is an aromatic perennial plant in the family Lamiacea. Much importance is gilven to the holy Tulsi plant in VVS. Tulsi plant is having immense medicinal properties, apart from the medicinal properties this holy plant improves positive vibrations in the house, to live a happy healthy life.
26.Vasthu for Overhead Tanks :Though there are underground water sumps for storage of water an overhead tank is must in these days, to get proper un-interupted water supply to the inmates. It’s always wise to have an overhead tank on the staircase room
27.Vasthu for Mini Bar :Not everyone needs this facility only few need it because of the social status in some families. To the Western or Southern wall of the Dining area in the South adjacent to the kitchen in Aagneyem is the best suitable place to have this Mini Bar facility to have peg or two and have dinner for the adults or to entertain a few guests. It’s not good to have this facility in the North-west of the Hall at all.
28.Vaasthu for Home Gym :In the process of learning to live with Covid 19 now it has become very essential to maintain health by burning some calories to keep fit, Penthouse would be the proper place to have a home gymn to burn calories.

Simple Workout for all age groups:

Skipping for 5 minutes as a warmup and some body stretches and 10 x 3 pushups and 10 x 3 squats or Surya namaskars and 5 x 3 pull ups and 10 x 3 lying down leg raises would be the best form of physical workout to burn calories for all the age groups to maintain good health.
29.Vasthu for Plants/Trees :Honestly There is lot to tell and follow in VVS about which plant and shrubs are supposed and which are not supposed to be kept in the house, but to be simple never keep plants which have thorns, which ozze milk like liquid, Cactus, and huge trees like peepal, tamarind, neem, coconut, and even creepers, and also bonsia.
30.Vasthu for Mirrors / wall clocks:Honestly There is lot to tell and follow in VVS about which plant and shrubs are supposed and which are not supposed to be kept in the house, but to be simple never keep plants which have thorns, which ozze milk like liquid, Cactus, and huge trees like peepal, tamarind, neem, coconut, and even creepers, and also bonsia.
31.Vasthu for an Aquarium :Honestly there is no place for an Aquarium in the house, but still if interested in having one, then should not be kept in the Eeshaanyem corner of the entire house or in Eeshanyem of any room, similarly not in Aagneyem of any room.
32.Vasthu for Servant Qtrs :With both the couple working it has become very essential to have a servant either a fulltime inhouse servant or a time bound servant. Many professional helpers are available today; they are not called servants but helpers. Rooms in the South or West can be given to the inhouse helpers to stay in. Great care must be taken to see that there is no defect in Aagneyem of the house, because improper Aagneyem will give rise to certain thefts and burglaries & ffew domestic issues.
33.Vasthu for Car Sheds :Many One time luxury items have now become essential or say very essential, Two and Four wheelers are one among them. Few use them daily, few use them only when the whole family is going somewhere. Parking the car in an apartment is very comfortable because of covered parking slots provided for each and every car, the issue is with the people living in the independent houses. Shed either in the West or in the South would be the best place to park the car. Putting a shed either in the Aagneyem, Vaayavyem, Eeshaanyem, North, East, may cause a lot of problems.
34.Vasthu for Cellars :Covered Space/spaces below the existing ground level of the road are called Cellars. Honestly cellars are not advisable, but keeping the today’s requirements in view cellars are must for the gated or multi storied apartments for providing covered parking space for the inmates. Certain principles must be followed in the construction of cellars, so that they don’t become defective to give bad results, few deffects in cellars may give rise to few paranormal activities.
35.Vasthu for Penthouse :A room on the terrace is called a penthouse. Penthouse on the terrace is used as a store or as a gymn or even as home office or even as an entertainment room with a lot of space open to the sky. South-west / Nairuthi or whole West or whole South is the proper place to have a proper penthouse.

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