
Few moments with Tulsi

Few moments with Tulsi


Like any fuel to machines “Oxygen” is so essential to make run this human machine properly is a known fact.

At present “Oxygen” is the only product which we are getting free of cost, which is produced by “Trees”.

I fear what if its costs, then naturally we would not hesitate to invest even huge amounts to buy it, that’s the reason why so many Eminent scientists world-wide are trying so much to generate awareness in growing “Greenery” but with the growing population even the thick dense forests are rapidly being so capably converted into “Concrete Jungles”.

Study of plants, trees, shrubs, herbs is called as Botany and study of their medicinal values is known as “Ayurveda”.There are so many plants trees shrubs, herbs both as well as on this earth and also in the waters, which are contributing a lot in maintaining the “Ecological Balance”.

Science has made it possible to grow big, big huge trees like also “Banyan” in small sufficient lovely flower pots, which can be kept in our drawing rooms, today it has become a symbol of status and dignity to have Bonsai pots with a tree kept in it either in the office rooms, cabins, and conference halls or in the drawing rooms.Keeping Bonsai plants like this either in the offices, cabins conference halls or in the drawing rooms not only enhances the beauty of the room but fills the room with plenty of pure air oxygen but also cheers the atmosphere by it’s ” Vibrations”.

Few Modern Scientists like Dr. J.C. Bose and many others have proved that even trees and plants have all feelings like hunger, pain, happiness, caring affection and so on and so forth, there is still much to know about them, like us even they throng for love and affection.Just sprinkle a glass of water on any plant, sit by the side of it and observe that lovely moments, feelings of that plant, how happily it glows, one has to have time and patience to feel their vibrations, of-course now a days who has that time and patience.

We can feel and understand their language of expressions.

In the night’s it’s not good and advisable to sleep under trees because certain trees produce more carbon dioxide in the nights, specially should not sleep under the Tamarind trees, why because they produce more carbon dioxide in the night’s, when compared with the other trees, when we sleep under these trees, we inhale all the carbon dioxide and this leads to disturbed nights, bad dreams and spoils the health, perhaps that’s the reason why our elders said evil spirits stay on Tamarind trees, so should not sleep under them, when this is the actual fact.

When a Tamarind tree is producing such a harmful air, it is said ” Tulsi ” Basil is the plant which produces fresh pure oxygen through-out the day and night that’s why it’s called ” The Sacred Plant “.

Apart from producing oxygen throughout the day and night it has many valuable useful medicinal values, that’s the reason why this plant Tulsi (sacred Plant) has been given much importance in vastu science and recommended to have at-least one plant in each and every house, again irrespective of caste, creed, status or countries, but there is a misunderstanding that this plant proves worth only to ladies, no this is not correct having this sacred plant Tulsi in each and every house, in a proper place proves worth for the entire family is a sacred living Truth.

Even the cow with a hump on its back inhales oxygen and exhales only oxygen, that’s the reason we were advised to have a cow in each and every house.

a. Now where to keep this sacred plant Tulsi in a North facing house ?

In North facing houses Vaayavyem of the Northern open place is the good, suitable place to keep this sacred plant Tulsi. How to keep it here means, here in Vaayavyem this sacred plant must be kept in small flower pots only, small Tulsi pot should be kept in Vaayavyem of the Northern open place, nearer to the Western compound wall, at-least few inches away from both the Northern compound wall and Northern wall of the house, fig. 1.If possible it can be kept here in such a way that there is some kind of place around the plant so that it becomes possible to do “Pradakshina” (circumference) to this sacred plant or sit here for few moments .Unlike this, Tulsi pot should not be kept in Vaavyavyem corner or to the Northern compound wall and also it should not be kept here in Tulsi kotas (Kota means a heavy cement structure specially meant for keeping this sacred plant Tulsi), if it is to be kept only in the North, it should be kept here in small pots, leaving a few inches from the Northern compound wall, it’s not good to keep it on the Northern compound wall.

b. What if there is a gate in West-Vaayavyem, yes when there is a gate in West-Vaayavyem, then it’s good to keep this sacred plant in the Western open place nearer to Nairuthi or to the Southern or Western compound walls, fig.2, having some open place around this plant makes it possible to do Pradakshina, to this plant or sit here for a few moments, here it’s better to keep it in Tulsi kotas.

c. When there is a gate or door, in East-Eesanyam, East Aagneyem of the Eastern open place is the best and suitable place to keep this sacred plant, even here in East-Aagneyam this plant must be kept in small pots and should be kept to the Southern compound wall, a few inches away from both the Eastern compound wall and Eastern wall of the house, similarly if possible, it’s good to have open place around this pot to do pradakshina to it, or sit here for a few moments, it’s not good to keep it on the Eastern compound wall.

d. When it is to be kept in the Southern open place, here in the Southern open place it can be kept in Tulsi kotas.In the Southern open place this sacred plant kept in Tulsi kota must be kept either to the Southern or Western compound walls nearer to Nairuthi.Keeping it here on an elevated platform proves more worth.

Under any circumstances it should not be kept in Eeshaanyem or nearer to it. fig.3.Like how the atmosphere gets polluted with the impure air, similarly untidiness near this plant makes this tiny sacred plant polluted, so care should be taken to see that, cleanliness is maintained around the plant.

If this sacred plant is maintained properly it takes care of the entire family in ensuring good health.Sitting facing East few minutes daily in front of this tiny sacred plant Tulsi and spending few moments taking few deep breaths miraculously improves the immune system, increases resistance power and enables the system to fight back all the impurities and assures good health is also a sacred “Living truth”,but a little care should be taken to be little away from this sacred plant during menstrual periods.

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